Stay Harder with Male Boosters

Tuesday 19 July 2011

A few techniques that could help

WORRYING that they climax too soon is one of the most common problems men write to me about so for starters it may reassure you to know that the average man lasts for just five minutes of full sex.
I realise that if you barely get started before you climax, five minutes may sound wonderful, but at least it should reassure you that few men are lasting for hours, which is the impression given by lots of sex films and pornography.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Premature Ejaculation Facts

You’re not alone. Did you know that approximately 1 in every 3 men suffer from Premature Ejaculation? If  you do the math, our world’s population  6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.) divided by 3 equates to approximately 2,200,000,000 (rounding down of course). Then you get that number and divide it by half (estimating that half of our world’s population are males) and you get 1,100,000,000. It is likely that one of your buddies also suffer from PE as well. However, since premature ejaculation is a sensitive subject subject for males, it is unlikely for men to discuss such matters with their circle of friends.

There’s actually muscles down there
. For those of you who work out on a continual basis,you may know that without consistency,your muscles will be underdeveloped. Well, that obviously means the opposite is valid–working out on a continual basis will yield stronger muscles. So, the concept for curing Premature Ejaculation is quite logical–strengthen the muscle (Pubococcygeus Muscle many time referred to as PC Muscle) down there and wah-lah–bye bye premature ejaculation. However, the problem is not about understanding the concept of the cure, but rather performing the necessary actions to apply the concept.

Patience is a virtue. Remember when you were a kid and your parents used to tell you about the race between the hare and the tortoise? Well, the important thing is to remember the moral of that classic fable–no matter how severely disadvantaged one is, with perseverance one still succeeds. So, when you guys are on your journey down that long dirt road, remember your diligence will pay off!

Sleep is crucial.
Lack of sleep leads to low serotonin levels in the brain. When serotonin levels are low in the brain, the lower levels trigger your body to ejaculate more rapidly. Get a good night’s rest and make it a routine so you can get rid of your premature ejaculation once and for all!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Does being circumcised help?

Premature ejaculation is a common problem but one that is rarely spoken about due to its embarrassing nature. There are many old wives tales about the subject and lots of remedies being sold that are supposed 'to make you last longer in bed'. Is there any truth in these myths?

The main cause cause of premature ejaculation (PE) is oversensitivity. When a man is circumcised a lot of the nerve endings are removed along with the foreskin. This will reduce sensitivity so it could be a solution for those men who are over sensitive, however a word of warning it doesn't necessarily increase the time it would take for you to ejaculate it would just mean it doesn't feel so good!

Sunday 29 May 2011

Premature ejaculation pill sold out in Singapore

By Charlene Ng

Within its first month of release, the premature ejaculation (PE) pill, Priligy, has sold out in Singapore.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is believed to be one of the most common male sexual health problems globally.

About one in three men in Singapore suffer from PE, according to a study on Premature Ejaculation Prevalence and Attitudes (PEPA) of Singapore men.

Thursday 26 May 2011

How food can be important to avoid Premature Ejaculation

It may have never crossed your mind, but what you are eating can have an effect on how you are performing sexually. Think about it,sex is really just another form of exercise, albeit much more fun than running. Just like you wouldn't expect to perform your best on the field if you haven't been eating right, you can't expect to perform the best you can in bed either. Just a few simple changes will not only help you last longer and perform better, but it will also help you in all aspects of your life.

Friday 20 May 2011

The “Male G-Spot” is Giving Me Premature Ejaculation!

Did you know in the beginning of the 20th century, many wives used a steel device that was sold at the time to manually massage their husband's prostate during intrcourse. And during World War II, medics in the military gave prostate massages to soldiers who hadn't been intimate with a woman for months on end as a treatment for "pelvic congestion."

Wednesday 18 May 2011

On the other hand...Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation, in this context  is the inability to ejaculate or persistent difficulty in achieving orgasm despite the presence of normal sexual desire and sexual stimulation. Normally a man can achieve orgasm within 2–4 minutes of active thrusting during sexual intercourse, whereas a man with delayed ejaculation either does not have orgasms at all or cannot have an orgasm until after prolonged intercourse which might last for 30–45 minutes or more. In most cases delayed ejaculation presents the condition in which the man can climax and ejaculate only during masturbation, but not during sexual intercourse.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Premature ejaculation could have an impact on sperm quality

A new study which was carried out by an Australian scientist has showed that regular ejaculation can improve men’s sperm quality, by reducing the amount of damage to their DNA.

This could be bad news for men with premature ejaculation. Men with premature ejaculation may ejaculate less frequently, according to sex experts, because they tend to avoid sex, due to a fear of feelings of embarrassment that they associated with coming too early.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Masters And Johnson Method

Developed by Masters and Johnson, the squeeze method describes stimulating the man to the brink of ejaculation. When the man feels the onset of orgasm, he squeezes his penis hard enough to inhibit ejaculation and to partially lose erection.

Friday 6 May 2011

Stud 100 Delay Spray

I have tried various devices, creams, lotions and potions for my PE over the years...the most effective product I have found so far is Stud 100..I usually spray about 8 bursts on the head and shaft wait 10 minutes then have a shower (tastes unpleasant according to the wife and dont want to make her lose sensitivity) it only stings slightly when you wash it off but is totally bearable...I've found I can last between 10-15 minutes using this product but be warned sometimes if mixed with alcohol I find it hard to maintain an erection

Stop Start Technique (does it work)

Hi i'm sure we are all familiar with this method but i'll post the instructions just in case they may benefit anyone who hasn't tried it

Tuesday 3 May 2011

PE and poor diet

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation it might be time to turn to your diet as one of the possible culprits. What we put into our bodies is widely considered what we’ll get out of it and so if you have been chowing down on junk food, sugars, and fats for a long time, your sexual ability will suffer alongside everything else.

A poor diet, one that is high in fats, sugars, salt, and low in essential vitamins and minerals affect not only your weight and your health, but also you sex life.  This is because the male reproductive system is sensitive to changes in hormones and vitamins and will react adversely.  For example, the consumption of too many growth hormones found in milk and other dairy products will lead to a decrease in testosterone and thus to lower libido and sex drive. In the case of premature ejaculation, a high sugar and fat diet will lead to obesity which is one of the factors for many men in their premature ejaculation woes. Vitamin deficiencies can also contribute; for example, a deficiency in Vitamin B6 or B3 and Vitamin D can be a factor in sexual dysfunction problems. A consistently poor diet will also end up clogging the arteries throughout your body, including the blood flow to your penis, which will help to contribute to a weak erection and premature ejaculation

Monday 2 May 2011

Yoga positions thought to benefit PE

Yoga harmonises the body and mind and bestows multifarious benefits on the practitioner. It tones up the muscles and increases the flexibility of the body. Yoga also gives gentle massage to the internal organs, and flushes out toxins from the body.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Can Yoga Help?

Premature ejaculation yoga is fast catching on in the western world as a way to last longer in the bedroom. This method has of course been a well known method to use in countries where yoga plays a part of their everyday lives.

Does Therapy Work?

Hi, I've often wondered about going down the sex therapy route to help
with my PE. The things that have put me off before are the ones everyone must consider I suppose..the embarrassment being the main one for us all I expect
I've never seen much evidence on the web to suggest it works or is it just that not many people have tried this method?

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Dapoxetine (Priligy)...what you need to know

Dapoxetine which is being marketed as Priligy is not currently licensed for premature ejaculation in the UK although it is licensed for it in several European countries including Spain, Sweden, Austria, Italy and Germany.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Premature Ejaculation Affects Relationships More than Just Sexually

Premature ejaculation can certainly take a toll on a relationship. Whether a couple waits until after marriage or not to be sexual, intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness of a relationship. Over time, unresolved sexual problems can slowly chip away at a relationship for both partners.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Increase Climax Time With Premature Ejaculation Herbal Treatment

Written by jamesnapier on Wed, 20 Apr 2011

Premature ejaculation is a condition that prevents men from achieving and maintaining an erection that is firm enough or that last sufficiently for having normal lovemaking. Its effects are devastating, both physically and psychologically. It is also called rapid climax. Men affected by this condition are looking for an herbal treatment and for natural ways of increasing climax time. The good news for them is that premature ejaculation herbal treatment exits and it is also very effective.

Monday 18 April 2011

Prostatitis-sound familiar?


I am a 28-year-old male that has been married for 4 years. At the beginning of the marriage, we had great sex and I could always make my wife orgasm.

Two years later, I can't last more than 30 seconds. I really want to have great sex with her again and also get her pregnant. I had prostatitis a few years back when I was in college. I was wondering if that could be the cause of my rapid ejaculation. If so, what can I do?

Saturday 16 April 2011

Premature Ejaculation Fetish

I was trawling through various PE forums the other day when I spotted an article with the title Premature Ejaculation Fetish
This is the first time I have come across this topic (no pun intended)
From the amounts of posts from women on the forum it does seem that this phenomenon does actually exist
After reading a few comments it appears that its a turn on for certain women to make men cum early as they believe its a kind of compliment that they have got the guy so turned on that he pops his cork very quickly
Bloody hell if this were true i'd be a living legend!!!

Friday 15 April 2011

The PC Muscle, Kegels And “The Block” – How To Use Them To Stop Premature Ejaculation

by Jack Grave

Premature ejaculation is like a knife striking at the heart of a good sex life. Until you discover the methods of stopping it you could not only fail to enjoy sex but leave your partner dissatisfied with you in bed.

Thrusting Techniques

by Jack Grave,

Lasting longer in bed can be as simple as knowing a few special thrusting techniques. This is because premature ejaculation isn’t caused by your genes, your penis size or what your woman does in bed. Premature ejaculation is caused by what you do before and during sex.

Want to last longer?

How To Stop Ejaculating So Fast During Sex
by Lloyd Lester

Is premature ejaculation making your sex life lousy because you cannot seem to stop ejaculating so fast during sex? Do you feel frustrated, embarrassed and depressed because you are unable to satisfy your partner sexually?

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Any good you decide

I am quite good friends with a few other PE sufferers from various forums and other similar blogs
A few have tried the following E-book very helpful but as usual its a case of following the instructions to the letter and not giving up halfway through (which I have been guilty of on occasion)

Priligy now available in Singapore

The premature ejaculation treatment Priligy has been made available in Singapore.

Priligy helps men to last three times longer during sex. The drug is already approved and was made available to men in the UK last autumn. A so-called ‘magic pill’, Priligy has an effect on the levels of a chemical called serotonin in men’s bodies, which helps them to prolong ejaculation.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Role of Nitric Oxide in Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation - Topix

Nitric oxide is chemical compound that plays a major role in male sexual function. An abundance of nitric oxide can improve circulation and lead to more frequent erections, and conversely, a low supply of nitric oxide can lead to premature ejaculation. Nitric oxide is so effective that some popular prescription medications rely solely on this one chemical's mechanism of action to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

What is the best treatment you've tried?

Would be fascinated to know what treatments you've all tried and what effects they had.

I have tried various lotions, potions and devices and on the whole without much success, I tried the China Brush that is supposed to de-sensitize your penis...oh my god I thought I was going to end up in casualty..The burning was excrutiating and to top it off I couldn't even get a hard on!

Monday 11 April 2011

Can women contribute to PE?

Premature Ejaculation is generally considered to be a ‘male’ problem and is usually considered the fault of the male too.  Whether it’s something physically wrong, environmentally wrong, or mentally wrong, men shoulder the blame for this problem.  However, can women contribute to this problem as well and thus be digging their own sexual grave when it comes to satisfaction?

Heat therapy to treat PE?

Here's some good news for men who suffer from premature ejaculation - there's a new treatment on the horizon that uses 'heat therapy' to treat this often embarrassing problem.

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction and affects 20 to 38 percent of all men, reports Fox News.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Premature Ejaculation and me

I’m a 36 year old guy that has been living with premature ejaculation for all of my adult life. If I remember rightly I started masturbating at around the age of 12 and like most horny young boys must have done it most days with no problem, in fact it would take me for ever to cum which at the time was probably a pain as all you wanted at that age was to experience the amazing feelings of orgasm

Is it in the genes?

A third of men are believed to suffer from premature ejaculation
Men who suffer from premature ejaculation may be able to blame their genes, work suggests.
A study of nearly 200 Dutch men found those who climaxed too soon during intercourse had a version of a gene that controls the hormone serotonin.

What Causes PE?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common complaint. The available evidence supports the notion that control and modulation of sexual excitement is learned behavior. If someone has learned it incorrectly or inadequately, they can relearn it. PE is only rarely caused by a physical or structural problem; in these cases it is usually associated with other physical symptoms, usually pain. In rare cases, PE may be associated with a neurological condition; infection of the prostate gland; or urethritis (inflammation of the duct that carries urine and semen to the outside of the body).

What is Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to.