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Monday 21 May 2012

Are Older Men More Prone to Suffering Premature Ejaculation?

Article Overview - Who is This Article For?
It is for all sexually active men in their fifties and sixties who are interested or concerned about the main causes that can trigger premature ejaculation in their age group.

Are Older Men More Prone to Suffering Premature Ejaculation?
In a word, yes they are, but maybe not the way you think.
Depending where you are on the age scale. it can affect you in different ways at different times. As you may already know, it is a common problem faced by so many men of different age groups in every corner of the world.
Each group is affected differently, this article squarely focuses on the older age group of men.
Factors contributing to an early climax can be the following;

  • Overall Fitness- As we begin to age, it is more important than ever to keep up a healthy exercise regime. It keeps our energy levels high, our fitness levels healthy, and our breathing functioning well. But for many men, this can be difficult to stick to, whether it be family life getting in the way, the job, or generally just can't be bothered to keep fit. When it comes to sex however, if your system isn't up to the job, then it's hardly surprising that you can't last more than two minutes after sexual intercourse begins. If you aren't fit and healthy then the chances are you will experience premature ejaculation more often than someone of the same age who does keep fit and healthy. It's all common sense at the end of the day. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.
  • General Diet - Very similar to the fitness section above. Ensure you are getting enough fruit, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. It is extremely important for both a healthy lifestyle and healthy sex life that you keep your body full of the "good stuff", and keep the bad stuff at bay. Failure to stick to a healthy and balanced diet will reduce your energy levels. Not getting enough vitamins and minerals will have a negative affect on your sex drive, virility, and ability to keep a long term erection to allow sex to take place. When in the twilight years, your body must be treated with respect. That goes for the food you eat, the vitamins you take, and the exercise you give yourself. It's all about staying healthy and fit, and in return, you and your partner can look forward to your sex life lasting for many years to come.

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